Local News Promotional

By Yuan Ho | May 1, 2018

Rare shots inside MediaTek on local News

May, 2019, MediaTek decided to promote the company’s recent achievements in 5G development. In the meantime, one local TV News wants to have more reports on Taiwan’s high-tech firms. Therefore, this News clip.

The rightmost person with left hand half-raised is me. I was holding a cross-site meeting with Finland colleagues. Everybody was laughing because the cameraman asked us to do some actions (give him a shot). Apparently, we didn’t know what to do. In the end, we bursted into laughter.

The time differences between places are indeed a headache while arranging the time for a meeting. To communicate with European people, the meeting should be in the afternoon. To meet Amarican colleagues, the meeting should be in the morning. Consequently, if in a meeting you see both European guys and Amarican guys, the former ones are early in the morning and the later ones are late at night. The Amarican ones will hurry you up to finish the meeting because they want to go home.

The TV News video is at: https://www.setn.com/VOD.aspx?VideoSwitch=3&NewsID=360585&PageGroupID=7